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Leading in Real-Time

Running a business with real time information - the dream of most executives and managers has become a reality. Whether you call it Business Intelligence, Real-Time Enterprise, Real-Time Operations, etc., the solution is now available if you have the desire.

Applied Knowledge Labs is your powerful and cost effective choice. Our system enables your business to achieve the dream of competing with on-demand information. This capability improves in-the-moment decisions, and makes execution a core competence.

Imagine being just one click away from having today's information on customer service, information from current production teams on reduction in cycle time or how inspired are your front line people this week.

Corporate Dashboards
Collaborating with your executive team, we integrate current measures into dashboards and ensure line of sight to each individual. You can in one location combine the three elements of alignment:
  • contribution to business objectives
  • participation in improvement projects
  • job requirements

Individual Scorecards
Far more challenging is designing a method of capturing data that does not distract from work or makes unreasonable demands. Our philosophy is to make the system match the requirements of common “day-timer” systems. We use this as our standard and depending on the frequency of updates driven by the job, our goal was a functioning system running on an investment of 15-20 minutes a day.

By taking a few minutes to update the system, each person will have a real time report on how well they are doing as self-managers. When this information is rolled up to the executive level, everything you need to run it in the real-time is available. Welcome to on-demand, real-time business information.

We can either build you a simple to operate low-tech paper system for posting visible performance targets, or help you find a software partner to automate that process.

The only question is in your mind is paper or electronic, not yes or no to building visible measures of day to day performance. You cannot manage what is not measured, whether that is management of self or management of the firm.

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